INSIDE THE CLASSROOM (7th and 8th Grades)
Junior High STudents enjoying time together at the Upper School Winter Break out
Find out what our 7th and 8th grade classes have been up to during the 2nd trimester…
The 7th grade class just reviewed and completed a big geography unit over Sub-Saharan Africa which is widely considered one of the more challenging units in the course and they tackled it! Under the enthusiastic tutelage of new HLS teacher, Mr. Kilbourn, they recently completed Homer's Odyssey in their Classical Studies class.
The 8th grade class has begun their study of William Shakespeare’s Henry V, Virgil’s Aeneid, and the Book of Acts. The junior high students are transitioning well from the concrete fact-based learning that happens in the Lower School to the more conceptual learning that is required for the high school courses.
A number of 7th and 8th grade students participated in our National Geo Bee recently. Seventh grade swept the top three spots with Ben Baskin in first place, Ian Shatzlein in second and Anna Backus in third. The 7th and 8th grade students are also enjoying the competition and camaraderie that take place in the Upper School through intramural sports, service projects and the House System. They recently participated in the HLS Upper School Winter Break Out where Upper School students and faculty went ice skating at a local rink for the afternoon.