Inside the Classroom (K-1st Grades)
Our Kindergarten and First Grade classes have been busy the first month of school!
In addition to learning the classroom routines and expectations, counting, and correct pencil grip, the first month of school for HLS kindergarteners has been busy! They worked on a tree study which complemented their study of Creation. During Apple week they tasted 7 different varieties of apples and voted on their top two. They chose the Jazz Apple as their favorite with Granny Smith and Honeycrisp tying in second place. They ended the week by making homemade applesauce! In Phonics they learned the difference between consonants and vowels, talked about upper and lower case letters, learned 5 sight words and wrote their first sentence!
The Read-Alouds provide a rich language experience for students as each book is read aloud and is accompanied by oral questions and discussion. The First-Grade class enjoyed the book, “Miss Spider’s Tea Party” by David Kirk. Afterwards they celebrated with a tea party complete with real teacups, spider cookies and tiny teapot cookies. Several of them worked on completing a puzzle identifying the seven continents. All the students have been enjoying getting outside for exercise as well as the opportunity to play fun childhood games.