INSIDE THE CLASSROOM (4th and 5th Grades)
The fourth graders just finished reading the The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and then enjoyed watching the movie at the Nolan's home and eating foods like Turkish delight! Students also finished their US Geography review and took their final test over all the states and capitals. Now they are beginning their study of Middle East and European Geography. We have also been following Reagan Barnes blog (an HLS student) and all of her family's travels in Asia, anticipating their return in January. In Science they have memorized the eight orders of insects that will be covered this year and the students have begun making their insect drawings to create a book that they will add to throughout the year. In Christian Studies we have just finished learning about the different Judges who were "Called by God and empowered to unite God’s people they could stand against his enemies.
The fifth graders just finished reading, Adam of the Road, and are now reading A Door in the Wall. This is a wonderful book full of life lessons that tells a story about a page who is about to become a knight. In Latin we are learning prepositions in the ablative case to the tune of Oh Christmas Tree. If you know a fifth grader, ask them to sign it for you! In classical studies we a learning about the Middle Ages. This era is so fun to teach. We start out with the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths vandalizing Europe and finish our study with the constant fighting back and forth between England and France, and the Norms and Saxons. Students have the opportunity to read stories from these places in our wonderfully written 5th grade novels. In science we are finishing up our study of the anatomy of birds and our bird books. The class is looking forward to exciting experiences in the History of Medicine after Christmas. We are planning a Renaissance/Medieval night in March. Here we will display our castles that we will build in the spring and a Medieval Feast and then will finish up with Robin Hood, the play! Look for more details in the new year!