Safety and Security is of the utmost importance to Highlands Latin School, and we have invested in additional comprehensive measures this year. 

This included increasing our on-site security officer presence, expansive communication devices, tools to better lock down classrooms, and other various measures. We feel these improvements will greatly enhance the safety of our campuses.

We are committed to ensuring your children are safe. These additional security investments added incremental expenses that were not budgeted for this fiscal year. Our goal is to raise $75,000.

Will you join me this Giving Tuesday in making a charitable contribution to this important initiative? Your donation will support the efforts already in process to keep our children safe. Gifts can be made anytime between now and November 28, 2023.

To join me, please fill out the online giving form found on the side of the page, or bring a check to HLS. Thank you for your generosity, and may God bless you and your family.

In Christ,
