Scholarship Focus: This scholarship fund was established in memory of HLS parent Daniel Rooney. This fund is designated for HLS families that are experiencing unforeseen financial hardship and need assistance to allow their students to continue their education at Highlands. Your donation will have a positive impact on these families, their students and the entire HLS community. You can make an impact today on our donation page. CLICK HERE TO DONATE

Scholarship Background: Dan Rooney was a lover of life and a creative achiever. He was kind, hardworking, sincere, humble, and met everyone with a big smile. He was a devoted husband and father to seven children. He worked tirelessly to provide opportunities for anyone in need, and he especially loved helping men achieve their goals as husbands and providers. Dan loved God, his family, and his country, and often expressed his gratitude that his children could attend a school where these truths are celebrated.

Daniel Rooney Memorial Application Process: Families may apply for the Daniel Rooney Memorial Scholarship by filling out the most current HLS Financial Assistance Form during the re-enrollment process.